IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Editor: IUVSTA News Bulletin

  • The IUVSTA News Bulletin serves as an archival publication of the Union to provide timely information on matters of interest to the Union membership.
  • The News Bulletin and its Editor come under the control of the IUVSTA Publications Committee.
  • The IUVSTA News Bulletin Editor is recommended by the Publications Committee at the beginning of each triennium and is approved by the Executive Council. He/she shall serve for a period of at least three years.
  • The News Bulletin is published on the IUVSTA Web Site.
  • The IUVSTA News Bulletin is published on a regular basis, as agreed upon by the Publications Committee and the Executive Council. Current policy calls for publishing two issues a year on the IUVSTA web site. Current planned publication dates are the first weeks of February and August, with deadlines for inputs to specific issues two weeks before the planned publication date.
  • The Editor shall solicit information as required and include in various issues:
    • Summaries of Executive Council meeting minutes and, every three years a summary of the General Meeting minutes.
    • Reports of Division activities of general interest to Union members including special programs such as Divisional Research Highlights seminars which are held once a triennium
    • Reports on Committee activities of general interest to Union members.
    • Notices of meetings on IUVSTA related topics and technical meeting summary reports when available.
    • Education course schedules or workshops on IUVSTA related topics and information on the Visual Aids Project including cost and availability.
    • Notices of significant issues (editorials) or special announcements as desired by Union members.
    • List of Executive Council Officers, Councillors and alternate Councillors, Divisional Officers, Committee Members, and National Vacuum Committee Presidents, etc. (usually in first or second issue after the beginning of each triennium).
    • IUVSTA Budget information and Treasurers reports as desired.
    • IUVSTA Welch Foundation Scholarship announcements and other scholarship or award announcements of interest to the Union.
  • The News Bulletin may serve as a forum for Union members who desire to discuss policy issues (usually in letter form).
© IUVSTA 2012