IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Education Committee Terms of Reference

The duties of the Education Committee are to oversee all IUVSTA educational activity.

This includes inter alia:

  • Preparation and upgrading of new and existing Visual Aid materials and methods of dissemination therof.
  • Organization of special seminars.
  • Organization of Summer Schools.
  • Liaison with other relevant organizations such as UNESCO and ICTP ( Trieste) through appointed Liaison Officers.
  • Assisting scientists in Developing Countries where there are problems of shortage of funds or facilities.
  • Organization of Technical Training Courses and Short Course programs.
  • Oversight of the IUVSTA Educational website

The Chair of the Committee is responsible (with the help of the Secretary) for calling meetings, preparing the Agenda, taking the chair at these meetings, ensuring that the above listed activities continue and reporting at the Executive Council Meetings on the activity of the Committee

At the last Spring meeting before the Triennial General Meeting the Chair will, through discussions with his Committee, prepare a plan and recommend to the finance Committee a budget for the next triennium.

At the last Committee meeting immediately before the Triennial General Meeting, the Chair will present a Report on the activities of the Committee during the triennium. The Chair will present this report, with any agreed amendments, to the final Executive Council Meeting of the triennium.

© IUVSTA 2012