Please Note that this Program is being substantially reorganised (2013)!
IUVSTA Visual Aids Program
Module |
Edition |
Date |
Format |
Price |
Produced In |
1. |
Fundamentals of Vacuum |
1978 |
Netherlands |
2. |
Measurements and Gages |
1990 |
France |
3. |
Gas Transfer Pumps |
1988 |
Germany |
4. |
Residual Gas Analysis |
1978 |
5. |
Vacuum Dep. (Thin Films) |
2003 |
CD |
$100 |
6. |
Leak Detection |
1984 |
Germany |
7. |
History of Vacuum Science |
1989 |
8. |
Capture Pumps |
1990 |
9. |
Vacuum Systems |
1990 |
Germany |
10. |
Vacuum Materials |
1991 |
UK |
11. |
Electron Spectroscopy |
1994 |
France |
Only those modules with a listed price (i.e. those on CD) are recommended for sale at present. Other modules are currently being updated.
For details of how to order these modules, please visit the Educational Materials section of the IUVSTA website,
Conditions for Fair Use of IUVSTA Visual Aid Modules
- IUVSTA retains copyright in all material supplied by IUVSTA either directly or through any agent or intermediary in the form of Visual Aids Modules whether supplied in printed form, on CD, electronically or in any other form.
- No part of any such material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express permission in writing of IUVSTA except as stated hereunder.
- IUVSTA will normally supply Visual Aids Materials in the English language only.
- IUVSTA grants without charge the express permission to any of its Member Societies in good standing to make translations to other languages of Visual Aids Modules subject to the following conditions.
- Member Societies will bear all costs of making such translations.
- Member Societies may supply ONE translated copy of the material in the local language or languages relevant to that Society for any ONE purchased copy of any unit of material. Any such translation must be supplied to the purchaser of the original material to form a single complete package which must contain a notice that the translation may not be sold on without the accompanying original CD, disc(s) or other media.
- No transfer of this permission to any purchaser of this material is implied or permitted.
- Member Societies may charge for the supply of such a translation only to the extent of the costs incurred in making, copying and distributing such translation.
- The Member Society must inform the Chair of the Education Committee of IUVSTA that such a translation has been prepared. The number of copies supplied in any one year must also be notified to the Chair of the Education Committee of IUVSTA by the 31 st December of that year.
- Member Societies must undertake to make a copy of any such translation available without charge to the Chair of the Education Committee of IUVSTA on request.
- Member Societies must agree to transfer the copyright in any such translation to IUVSTA and agree that the Chair of the Education Committee of IUVSTA or his or her agent may make any use that they wish of such translation consistent with the overall aims and objectives of IUVSTA. In particular, should IUVSTA consider it desirable, such translations may be added to versions of modules supplied on CD or electronically.
- Should the Chair of the Education Committee of IUVSTA or his or her agent be dissatisfied with the quality of the translation or reproduction of any such translation then the Member Society must withdraw the translation immediately and supply no further copies until such time as the Chair of the Education Committee of IUVSTA agrees that it is satisfactory for the purpose.
- Where the purchased material is used by the purchaser or their agent as teaching material for a group of students on an educational course, then parts of such material may be copied for distribution to the students for their retention subject to the following conditions
- Not more than 10% in total by page of written material or by number of illustrations or figures in the material in any one complete Module or 10% by page of written material or by number of illustrations or figures within any distinct part, chapter or section of a Module may be reproduced without further charge.
- Multiple copies of the same material may be reproduced so that each student may have an individual copy as long as condition 5i is respected and all students receive the same material.
- Where sufficient copies of an entire Module have been purchased from IUVSTA on CD or in electronic form for supply to each student for retention, then the student may also be given a printed copy of the Module for use during the course without further payment to IUVSTA. The costs of making such copies will be borne locally. Such printed copy must contain a notice that it may not be sold on without the accompanying CD, disc(s) or other media.
- Students may be given for retention a printed copy only of the material in a module provided that a royalty of 50% of the appropriate purchase price (i.e. that appropriate to the locality in which the course takes place) is paid to IUVSTA for each copy supplied. The costs of making such copies will be borne locally. Such printed copy must contain a notice that it may not be sold on. Copies of the CD, disc(s), or other media must not be supplied to students in this case.
- The number of copies supplied under these provisions in any one year must be notified to the Chair of the Education Committee of IUVSTA by the 31 st December of that year.
- In addition, the purchaser or their agent may make one copy of each illustration or figure for projection via a slide or overhead projector or some such. All such copies must be retained with the original material and may not be sold on separately.
September 2003.