IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Regulations for Sponsorship of Workshops or Schools

  • Introduction
    • The International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA) may sponsor scientific workshops, summer schools, etc. (hereafter called "event") for which the subject content of the event is, or is capable of becoming, of wide interest, i.e. not only of interest to the host country. New or emerging subjects may initially be limited to a specific country but, by their nature, be of international interest.
    • Attendance at the event is to be truly multinational, with expectations that a substantial fraction of the attendees will be from outside the host country.
    • Requests for sponsorship must originate from within IUVSTA and normally from within one of the Scientific Divisions.
  • General requirements for sponsorship
    • The subject of the event must fall within the broad areas of vacuum science and applications covered by the IUVSTA.
    • The event must have an international scientific or technical papers committee, or, demonstrate broad international representation among invited speakers.
    • Apart from the national language(s) which is (are) allowed, at least one of the three official languages of the IUVSTA (English, French or German), is to be used in abstracts and communications.
    • The IUVSTA must be identified as the major sponsor of the event; i.e. the IUVSTA financial contribution must be significant but the IUVSTA accepts no additional financial responsibility beyond the agreed financial contribution. If sponsorship is granted, the organisers must indicate who will underwrite any financial loss.
  • Application Procedure
    • The organizers must agree to the conditions below and provide all the information requested. Failure to do so may result in the withholding of the financial support.
    • The organizers must AGREE to:
      • PROVIDE full information of the event:
      • PROVIDE a Website url and the name and e-mail address of the person who will maintain the site. The IUVSTA financial contribution may be withheld until this contact information is received by the Secretary General.
      • USE the IUVSTA numbering system (e.g. 30th IUVSTA Workshop) on all event announcements.
      • PROVIDE a report of event for IUVSTA web page and the name and e-mail address of the person who will provide the report:
      • INCLUDE the IUVSTA name and logo on all event announcements:
      • GIVE a short presentation on IUVSTA at the beginning of the event. (Suitable material may be downloaded from the IUVSTA web site)
      • DISTRIBUTE IUVSTA material provided.
    • Event organisers should add the phrase "Sponsored by the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications" to subsequent literature describing the event.
    • After the event the organisers are required to send a report on it to the Secretary General for publication on the IUVSTA Web Page. They must also provide a financial report to the Secretary General.
  • Processing Procedure
    • The proposal for the event will normally be initiated within one or more of the IUVSTA Scientific Divisional Committees and the scientific subject and organisational aspects must be approved by at least one such committee, after debate involving as many members and associated representatives as possible.
    • The Chair(s) or appropriate representative(s) of the nominating committees will then be responsible for passing full information on the proposed event to the Scientific Secretary and Scientific Director.
    • The Scientific Secretary will notify all other Division Chairs of the application.
    • The Scientific Secretary will submit the application for consideration at the next STD meeting. A final decision on whether to support an application will not normally be given if the full information on the application is not provided to the Scientific Secretary at least 1 month before the STM meeting. If approved by the STD, the application will be submitted to the Executive Council Meeting for approval.
  • Sponsored Events
    • If sponsorship is granted the IUVSTA will, with the help of the appropriate Division,
    • Provide financial support to a maximum decided by IUVSTA. The financial contribution will be recommended by the Scientific Director.
    • Supply the organisers with addresses of all Divisional representatives who might be able to provide advice on the organisation of the event and the selection of invited speakers.
    • Announce the event on the IUVSTA Web site and, subsequently, publish a report on the conference on this page.
© IUVSTA 2012