IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Numbering System for IUVSTA Papers

Document Numbers take the format: www-xx-yyv-zz:

www refers to the class of the IUVSTA meeting, e.g. ECM, GM or AGM.

xx refers to the number of the meeting in its series, e.g. ECM-100,

yy refers to the source of the paper as follows

00 is an Agenda

01 is a set of Minutes

02 emanates from the President

03 emanates from the Secretary General

04 emanates from the Treasurer

05 emanates from the Recording Secretary

06 emanates from the another Officer

10 are Divisional papers

20 are Committee papers

30 are papers concerning the Triennial Congress (IVC)

v is used for papers from Committees or the Scientific and Technical Directorate and is omitted in all other cases


10A Scientific and Technical Directorate

10B Applied Surface Science Division

10C Electronic Materials and Processing Division

10D Plasma Science and Technique Division

10E Surface Science Division

10F Thin Film Division

10G Surface Engineering Division

10H Vacuum Science and Tecnology Division

10J Nanometer Structures Division

10K Bio-interfaces Division


Committees in italics are defunct

20A Congress Planning

20B Education

20C Finance

20D Developing Countries / Emerging Societies

20E Liaison

20F Publications

20G Statutes

20H Awards and Scholarships

20I Coordinated Activities

20J Long Range Planning

20K European Representative

20L Emerging Societies


30A IVC-14 Birmingham Congress

30B IVC-13 Hague Congress

30C IVC-12 Yokohama Congress

30D IVC-15 San Francisco Congress

30E IVC-16 Venice Congress

30F IVC-17 Stockholm Congress

30G IVC-18 Beijing Congress

30H IVC-19 Paris Congress

30J IVC-20 Busan Congress

30J IVC-21 Malmoe Congress

zz is the number of the paper in the appropriate class



A paper from the Secretary General at ECM-65 could have the number ECM-65-03-02,


a paper from the Education Committee could have the number ECM-65-20B-03.


© IUVSTA 2012