IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Points to Consider for Holding an International Congress

  • Date (conflicts with other meetings, low airfare season).

  • Place (ease of accessibility)

  • Public transportation (air, train, from airport to hotels)

  • Adequate facilities for holding meetings (hotel, university, congress hall, size of meeting rooms etc.)

  • How many parallel sessions are possible?

  • Who will underwrite the financing of the conference?

  • Who will run the congress, how will it be managed?

  • Restrictions on papers. How many papers can be accepted?

  • Plans for invited papers

  • How will papers be published?

  • Registration fees, including the minimum income required by IUVSTA

  • Plans for the exhibition (location, opening schedule)

  • Plans for associated short courses

  • Plans for social program

  • Plans for companion's program


© IUVSTA 2012