IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Submission of a Nomination

A package comprising all nominations and supporting letters, as listed below, must be e-mailed to the Chair of the Awards and Scholarship Committee and received by the announced date.

In addition, the complete package of paper documents with original signatures must be sent by mail with a postmark on or before the same date to the Chair of Awards and Scholarship Committee

Nomination Letter.

The letter nominating an individual for the Prize must describe the work for which the award is proposed, and indicate the role the work has played in solving particular scientific or technological problems. The significance of these problems and the impact of the nominee's accomplishments on the field should be discussed. If the work was performed in collaboration with others the contributions of the nominee should be clearly stated. A proposed citation, i.e., a one-sentence synopsis of the reason for selecting the nominee, and a list of individuals sending supporting letters should also be included. The nominating letter should not exceed two pages in length, but be as detailed as possible to allow judges who are expert in other fields to evaluate the nominee's contributions. For any one award cycle, an individual can submit only one nomination or supporting letter for each award.

Description of Research or Technological Highlights.

A summary of research accomplishments citing key papers and patents must be included (maximum of two pages). The purpose is to document the scope of a nominee's technical career, placing in context the specific work being cited in the nomination.

Biographical Materials.

A brief summary Curriculum Vitae or biographical sketch of the nominee and where appropriate a list of publications and/or patents should be given.

Supporting Letters.

A minimum of three and a maximum of five supporting letters must be arranged by the nominator. The supporting letters must be written by individuals in at least three different countries. Typically they should not exceed one page. Their main purpose is to endorse the nomination and to provide additional evidence of the nominee's accomplishments. The supporting letters should be written by individuals at institutions other than that of the nominee.

Endorsement letter from President of National Society.

Since IUVSTA is a union of societies, we require that a letter signed by a IUVSTA member society President or Chair must accompany the nomination packet. Multiple nominations endorsed by a single society are allowed.


© IUVSTA 2012