IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Time Line for Recording Secretary

Before the start of Executive Council Meetings, confirm availability for the next Meeting (ECM, GM or special) with the Secretary General.

At meeting

Record attendance


Record minutes


Distribute deadline document (or email immediately after meeting)

Week 3

E-mail draft minutes to Officers


Divisional reports to be sent to Scientific Secretary. (It is useful if these are copied to the Recording Secretary)

Week 4

Receive and incorporate corrections and any relevant comments regarding draft Minutes. Prepare final version


Receive by email all Executive Council Reports, Committee Minutes and Papers


Receive STD Report and Divisional Reports from Scientific Secretary

Week 5

Collate all reports received, assigning numbers according to the IUVSTA guidelines.


Format all minutes, reports and papers according to agreed guidelines (see Format document)


Place all documents on the web site in accordance with the procedures agreed with the Webmaster


Notify relevant persons by email that the minutes are available

© IUVSTA 2012