IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Time Line for Scientific Secretary

Time before

General Meeting




2 months

Scientific Secretary

Division Chairs

List of persons nominated by National Societies

2 months

Division Chairs

New Divisional Representatives

Initiation of election of Divisional Committees

1 month

Division Chairs

Scientific Secretary and Secretary General

Votes for Divisional Committees*

1 month

Division Chairs

New Division Committee members

Initiation of election for officers; suggested co-options

Invitation to Division meeting at time of GM

2 weeks

New Division committee members

Division Chairs

Votes for officers an co-options

2 weeks

Division Chairs

New Divisional Representatives

Scientific Secretary

Secretary General

Results of elections and co-options


At General Meeting

Division Chairs


New Divisional Committee and officers presented

*Elections of officers are organized by the current Chair of each Division by electronic ballot before the General Meeting. Electronic ballots must be copied to the Secretary General, as a back-up to avoid any votes being lost.


© IUVSTA 2012