IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Welch Scholarship Procedure and Conditions

Full details and application forms are available on the IUVSTA web site (www.iuvsta.org). There is no more than one Scholarship each year. The deadline for applications is usually April 15.

The scholarship is offered to a promising scholar who wishes to contribute to the study of vacuum science techniques or their application in any field. The scholarship is awarded to encourage international cooperation by making it possible for the winner to spend a year in a research lab in another country.

Applicants must make arrangements for the proposed research program with a laboratory of their choice. Because of the international nature of the scholarship, strong preference will be given to applicants who propose to study in a foreign lab in which they have not yet studied. A form outlining the research program and signed by the supervisor in the laboratory where the research is to be carried out must be submitted with the application to indicate the agreement of the laboratory and the proposed supervisor to your studies.

Candidates for the scholarship should have at least a Bachelors degree; a Doctors degree is preferred.

Candidates will be informed of the results of their applications as soon as possible but probably before the end of June.

The successful candidate must produce satisfactory evidence (preferably in the form of examination certificates, etc.) of reasonable fluency either in the language of the country where he/she will work during the tenure of his/her scholarship or in English.

Conditions of the Scholarship:

The scholarship is offered for a one-year period starting in September; if, for some reason, the candidate cannot begin his/her work as scheduled, he/she can begin within three months after September 1. In the case of a delay of more than three months, another candidate may be chosen. The laboratory where the candidate wishes to work must approve any delay in the commencement of work.

The amount of the Scholarship will be approximately $12,500 U.S; the current value is given on the IUVSTA web site The scholarship holder is encouraged to seek funds in addition to the scholarship.

The scholarship money is paid in three instalments -- one of $6,000 at the beginning, another of $6,000 six months after he/she has started work, and a third of $500 upon delivery of a final report after completion of work. A brief mid-term report is required before payment of the second instalment.


Researchers who applied unsuccessfully for previous Welch Scholarships may apply again for a subsequent Scholarship.

Applications for renewal of the Scholarship are not accepted.


Application Form (Word)

Application Form (pdf)

© IUVSTA 2012