IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Welch Foundation Scholarship

Protocol for the Organization of the M. W. Welch Foundation

(Approved by the Executive Council of the IUVSTA at its Meeting on April 14, 1980.)

  1. Preamble

The International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA), an International Organization with. headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, has established a Foundation of which the purpose is to award scholarships to research workers intending to work in the fields of vacuum science, technology and their applications, or related fields.

  1. Historical Remarks

On 3rd February 1967, Dr. M. W. Welch, President of the AARES Institute, 105 SO Lasalle Street, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., placed the sum of $5,000 United States at the disposal of the IUVSTA to start the activity of this Foundation. The IUVSTA assigned the money to the Foundation which was named the "M. W. Welch Foundation" in honour of the first donator.

  1. Ways and Means

    The Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Directorate (STD) of the IUVSTA shall be responsible for the activity of the Foundation and is assisted by a Committee named "The IUVSTA Welch Scholarship Trustees" whose composition and functions are laid down in sections 5, 6 and 7 hereunder.

  2. Deposit and Employment of the Funds

    1. The funds of the Foundation shall be deposited in a bank account or accounts in the name of the Foundation in accordance with the direction of the Treasurer of the IUVSTA. The use of the funds shall be such as to qualify gifts to the Foundation for any exemptions which may be available under the revenue codes of the countries of the respective donators.
    2. The interest earned on any deposit account will accrue to the Foundation and the Foundation only. The funds of the Foundation are inviolate and cannot be touched for any purposes whatsoever except those of the Foundation itself.

  3. Constitution of the Welch Scholarship Trustees

    1. Dr. M. W. Welch was Honorary Chairman of the Welch Scholarship Trustees during his lifetime.

    2. His daughter Mrs. P. Bro and her husband Mr. K. Bro are honorary members of the Welch Scholarship Trustees.

    3. The Trustees comprise six other members:

    4. The Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Directorate of the IUVSTA, who is ex officio chairman of the Welch Trustees; the treasurer of the IUVSTA, who may delegate operational authority; four scientists or technologists elected as specified later in this section of the protocol, whose duties shall be to evaluate the scholarship applicants.

    5. The four elected members of the Welch Trustees shall be elected by the Executive Council of the IUVSTA. Any member of the Executive Council shall be entitled to make nominations; the Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Directorate shall in any case propose candidates to the number of vacancies to be filled. In the election of members of the Welch Trustees, the Executive Council should have in mind the importance of ensuring, so far as is practicable, equal representation from industry, from research institutes and from universities. Candidates shall be considered purely on the basis of their scientific qualifications, independently of any connection with the IUVSTA. The elected members shall be of different nationalities and, so far as possible, should be expert in different fields of science and technology.

    6. In the case of a retirement, the Chairman of the STD shall appoint a replacement member to serve for the unexpired remainder of the term. The appointment should be ratified at the next IUVSTA Executive Council Meeting.

    7. Upon the first establishment of the Welch Trustees, one of the four elected members shall be elected to serve for one year, one for two years, one for three years and one for four years. All subsequent elections shall be for a term of four years. Members shall not be re-elected until at least two years after the conclusion of their term of office.

    8. A member of the Welch Trustees unable to be present at any meeting shall specify a first choice of proxy, together with a second choice of a person who should serve as his proxy if, and only if, the first choice should himself be absent.

    9. Furthermore, a member unable to be present at any Trustee meeting should give the Chairman his opinion on all matters appearing on the agenda for the meeting in writing at least seven days before the date of the meeting.

    10. Administration of the Foundation shall be done by any office formally designated by the Executive Council of IUVSTA, and a working schedule shall be drawn up by the Welch Committee and the Administrative Office.

  4. Functions of the Welch Scholarship Trustees

    1. The function of the Welch Trustees, which shall meet at least once a year, are the following (besides those described in section 7):

    2. To manage the funds of the Foundation;

    3. To determine the amount of the scholarship or scholarships awarded in any year;

    4. To seek to augment the resources of the Foundation by obtaining contributions free of conditions from any appropriate sources;

    5. Because the members of the Welch Trustees will normally be widely distributed around the world, the business of the Trustees will mainly be by correspondence.

    6. To receive and consider 2 progress reports from scholars which shall be placed before the Trustees by the Chairman at the halfway point and at the termination of the scholarship.

  5. Call for Candidates and Award of Scholarships

    1. The Welch Trustees shall determine whether the resources of the Foundation permit the award of one or more scholarships in any year. If a scholarship is to be awarded, the Chairman, in consultation with the Administrative Office of the Welch Foundation shall prepare a suitable notice and arrange for its distribution to all appropriate quarters, and for detailed application forms to be sent to the resulting applicants.

    2. Completed application forms shall be sent in the first instance to the Administrative Office of the Foundation which will forward all applications satisfactorily completed to the Chairman and the other members of the Welch Trustees. The choice of the applicant or applicants to receive the available scholarship or scholarships shall be by agreement amongst the Welch Trustees, subject to the condition that any member of the Committee related to any applicant as employer, current or prospective director of studies, or by family, should take no part in the discussion concerning this applicant. However such members may act as director of studies to an applicant after a decision has been reached by the other members of the Committee.

    3. The choice of the successful applicant or applicants must be reported to the Executive Council, but this choice is not subject to ratification by the Executive Council.

  6. Modifications to this Protocol

    Any proposal for the modification of any part of this protocol shall be discussed by the Executive Council of the IUVSTA at a full meeting and its acceptance or rejection decided by a majority vote of the Council. No vote shall be taken upon any such proposal until the opinion of the Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Directorate has been communicated to the Council, preferably in writing. The General Meeting of the IUVSTA next following any decision to modify this protocol shall be informed of the said decision.

  7. Duration of the Protocol

This protocol has the same duration as the Statutes and By-Laws of the IUVSTA, section 8 of this protocol being taken into account.


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