IUVSTA Procedures Manual

IUVSTA World Transfer Program Protocol

General objectives:

To aid a recently qualified post doctoral scientist to transfer to another laboratory in another country in order to gain access to instruments (experiments, computers, large infrastructures) and/or to a special expertise, in order to progress more quickly her/his research project. The scientific stay will be of 3 to 12 months duration.

For a short stay, the grant consists of a travel grant but for a longer stay it may also cover some consumables or other discretionary expenses, upon the submission of a detailed budget plan. Please contact the IUVSTA President and/or Scientific Secretary for more details.


Will be received twice a year, for a stay beginning within the next 8 months.

The application is to be submitted in parallel to the Councillors of the National Vacuum Societies of the country in which the applicant is actually working, and of the country she/he will be visiting. Within two weeks, the application will be transmitted by both councillors, accompanied by a written recommendation to the IUVSTA Scientific Secretary.

Each application MUST include:

1) outline of the scientific project

2) a budget plan for the grant

3) the candidate’s CV

4) support letters from the project director and the director of the host laboratory

5) any other supporting material (see below)


Will be made by an adhoc committee of the Scientific and Technical Directorate (IUVSTA scientific body), comprising a minimum of 5 members, during the Executive Council Meeting (IUVSTA Board of Directors meeting) closest to the deadline for the receipt of the applications

Candidate eligibility:

Up to 3 years after the award of a PhD (or equivalent)

Financial support:

1) up to 1000 € for covering the cost of one return flight or train ticket (economy class only)

2) up to 2500€, according to the financial plan of the applicant for purchase of consumables, or small scientific equipment (excluding computers or accessories), conference fees amd local costs, with a limit of / at a rate of max 250 € per month of stay

3) a special bonus of 500 €, paid to the scientist after acceptance - within 12 months of the stay - of a paper published by a recognised international peer reviewed scientific journal

4) the total IUVSTA WTP financial support will not exceed 3500 € per successful application


It is mandatory that all publications resulting from the stay include an acknowledgement in the form « Financial support received from the IUVSTA WTP Programme is gratefully acknowledged»

 Scientific project:

This must be presented in a 3 page proposal (maximum) and should clearly explain the motivation/justification of the scientific mission. A work schedule should be prepared and justified for a stay longer than 3 months.

The research project must be related to one of the scientific interests of the IUVSTA Divisions (see the IUVSTA webpage).

The project must be co-signed by the scientist’s supervisor and the director of the host laboratory.


If the applicant is asking for more than the travel cost, the budget must state planned costs with their justification, paying particular attention to «other costs».


The candidate will submit a copy of her/his curriculum vitae, including a maximum of five of the candidate’s most significant publications.


A short summary report (max 3 pages) explaining the results obtained through the grant must be submitted at the latest 3 months after the scientific mission. If the project runs over more than 6 months, an intermediate 2 page report should be submitted within month #7.


The IUVSTA grant will be paid in one instalment for a short mission(<6 months); for a longer duration project, the payment scheme will be 60 % at departure, and 40 % after reception of the 6 month-report. All the expenses have to be duly justified with supporting documentation.


By applying for a IUVSTA WTP grant, the scientist acknowledges that she/he has read and will obey all the published rules.


IUVSTA declares itself not responsible for any damage incurred or imposed on any party during the WTP programme. Grantees should insure themselves against any possible personal trouble, illness or accident or against their responsibility in these matters to any third party.


© IUVSTA 2012