IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Divisions (Triennium 2010-2013)

There are eight scientific Divisions –

  • Applied Surface Science
  • Electronic Materials and Processing
  • Plasma Science and Technique
  • Nanometer Structures
  • Surface Engineering
  • Surface Science
  • Thin Film
  • Vacuum Science and Technology

There is also a Steering Group on Biointerfaces

The Divisions are made up of the Divisional Representatives nominated by each National Vacuum Society with an interest in the subject of the Division.

Standard Procedures for All Division Chairs

  1. Organise real or virtual meetings of the Division at least once per year.
  2. Represent the Division and present a report on its activities at meetings of the Scientific and Technical Directorate, meetings of the Executive Council and the General Meeting.
    If the Chair cannot attend in person he/she should arrange for a representative of the Division to attend and present the report on their behalf. A report on the activities of the Division between Executive Council Meetings should be sent to the Scientific Secretary and the Recording Secretary within several days after an ECM so that it can be included in the Minutes. A separate report, describing the activities of the Division during the whole triennium, should be submitted to the Scientific Director shortly before the Triennial full General Meeting. The Scientific Director will make a summary presentation to the GM.
    Outside the Union the Chair will represent the Division, especially with respect to interaction with other International or National societies.
  3. Preside at business meetings of the Division and report on the activities of the Division. Copies of the Agenda and, subsequently, Minutes should be sent to the Recording Secretary, the Secretary General and the Scientific Secretary and the Officers who should be advised well in advance of the dates of meetings.
  4. Respond promptly to all queries from the STD and the Executive Council, particularly those dealing with workshops or schools and requests from various organizations for sponsorship of technical meetings or short courses.
  5. Nominate, in consultation with the Divisional Representatives, up to six Program Committee members for the triennial IUVSTA Congress and, in addition, nominate candidates for the Divisional Program Chair, one of whom will be selected by the General Program Chair on the basis of a balance in the distribution of countries involved in the overall program. This activity normally takes place at the beginning of the second year of a triennium (during the time between the second and third ECM of the triennium).
  6. Handle or oversee the election of Divisional Officers for the succeeding triennium, by ensuring that ballots are sent out by e-mail to the College members (Divisional Representatives). ELECTIONS MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN THE 2 MONTH PERIOD PRIOR TO THE END OF THE TRIENNIUM.
  7. The Divisional Chair or Secretary, or the person organizing the ballot process, should note the following.
    For an e-mail ballot from a member of the Electoral College or Committee to be counted, it must be copied to the Secretary General. The result of the ballot must also be communicated to the Secretary General. The total of all the ballots should then agree with the individual ballots copied to the Secretary General. The objective of the duplication is to ensure that all electronic votes are counted and none are lost in electronic transmission.
  8. Note that it helps the smooth running of a Division if the previous Chair is co-opted to continue serving on the Division if no longer a Divisional Representative.
  9. Working with the Divisional Representatives, make assignments on various projects such as the organization of conferences or workshops, joint activities with other Divisions, or the preparation of visual aids material. In any joint activity the Chair should establish the roles and actions for which the Division is responsible. Also, in collaboration with the Scientific Director, the Chair should review and make recommendations concerning any changes in the role, title and Statutes of the Division.
  10. The Divisional Chair should ensure that all their Divisional Representatives are kept fully informed of the activities of the Division.

Additional Procedures for Chairs of Certain Divisions

In addition to the standard procedures the Chairs of certain Divisions have the additional duties outlined below.

  1. Applied Surface Science Division
    1. Interact with the organizers of the European Conference on Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA) when the IUVSTA Congress and ECASIA meeting are scheduled for the same year so as to minimize conflicts of meeting locations and times.
    2. Ensure that the ASS Division Program Chair discusses with the Surface Science Program Chair regarding joint activities at the IVC; in particular, common arrangements for a session of post-deadline papers at the Congress.
  2. Nanometer Structures Division
    1. Interact with the organizers of the NANO series of conferences to ensure either that it runs as part of the IUVSTA IVC, or, that the dates and venues do not conflict.
    2. Interact with the organizers of the STM/S series of conferences to ensure either that it runs as part of the IUVSTA IVC, or, that the dates and venues do not conflict.
  3. Surface Science Division
    1. Ensure that the SS Division Program Chair discusses with the Applied Surface Science Program Chair regarding joint activities at the IVC; in particular, whether common arrangements for a session of post-deadline papers at the Congress.
    2. Organize the ECOSS series jointly with the Surface and Interface Section of the European Physical Society
  4. Thin Film Division
    1. Solicit proposals from IUVSTA member societies to host the triennial International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF) and to make a decision on the venue at least 3 (and preferably more) years in advance. ICTF is normally held in the year following the IVC.
    2. Oversee the organization and budgeting for ICTF and the publication of the Proceedings with the aim of maintaining a uniform high quality.
  5. Vacuum Science and Technology
    1. Solicit proposals from IUVSTA European member societies to host the European Vacuum Conference according to the guidelines agreed at ECM72.
    2. Where necessary, arrange a ballot to select the venue for the EVC (again see EVC guidelines)

Some time ago, the Chair of the Thin Film Division produced some guidelines for the Divisional Committee as it then was. It can be seen here, but note that some parts may now be out of date.

© IUVSTA 2012