IUVSTA Procedures Manual
IUVSTA holds a number of International Conference series under its brand name. These are in general organised by National Vacum Societies or other similar bodies who bid for the right to host the meetings.
The conferences are -
The Triennial Congress – IVC/ICSS: Awarded by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Congress Planning Committee
Documents :
The Triennial Congress: Protocol for Selecting a Host Nation
Guidelines for Hosting the IUVSTA Triennial Congress
Points to Consider for Holding an International Congress
Guidelines for setting up the International Programme Committees
The European Vacuum Conference - EVC: Awarded by the Vacuum Science Division
The International Conference on Thin Films- ICTF : Awarded by the Thin Film Division
The European Conference on Solid Surfaces - ECOSS: Awarded by the European Physical Society in conjunction with the Surface Science Division.
Vacuum and Surface Science Conference of Asia and Australasia - VASCAA: Awarded by a consortium of relevant National Vacuum Societies in conjunction with the Surface Science Division