IUVSTA Procedures Manual

Publications Committee Terms of Reference

The IUVSTA Publications Committee is a standing committee of the Union. The Committee is responsible to the Executive Council for recommendations on questions of publication of all archival material generated under the aegis of the Union.

The Committee is responsible for the publication of all archival materials approved by the Executive Council, including the IUVSTA News Bulletin. It determines and monitors the costs of all publications. It serves in an advisory capacity concerning the publication of conference proceedings and publication of similar archival material which is intended for extensive distribution on behalf of the IUVSTA.

The Committee is responsible for the operation, development and maintenance of the IUVSTA Website.

  • The Chair, a Vice Chair and Secretary are appointed by the IUVSTA President at the beginning of each triennium and serve for a period of three years.
  • The Chair recommends members for the Committee to the IUVSTA President. Each shall serve for a period of three years. Committee members are chosen from the members of the Executive Council or other desired qualified individuals from National Vacuum Societies or Committees on Vacuum. A Chair who is not a member of the Executive Council members will participate at Executive Council meetings as an observer with the right to speak but not vote as may members of the Committee.
  • The Committee Chair determines the number of committee meetings to be held. Normally, one will be held during each Executive Council weekend. The Chair also determines the agenda for each Committee meeting. Either the Chair or the Secretary will send an announcement of all Committee meetings, along with other pertinent information., to the members as well as the Officers of the Union before each meeting
  • The IUVSTA President will inform the Committee Chair of any special items to be considered at their meetings.
  • The Secretary will record minutes of all Committee meetings. A copy of the minutes for the Executive Council meeting minutes will be sent (by e-mail) to the IUVSTA Recording Secretary no later than one month after each Committee meeting. The minutes should include any items that require action by the Executive Council at its next meeting; otherwise the Committee Chair will send information on any such items to the Executive Committee officers and members at least one month in advance of the next Executive Council meeting.
  • The Chair or his/her designate will report on the activities of the Committee at each Executive Council meeting and place any mnatters requiring Executive Council decision before the meeting.
  • The Chair shall recommend candidates for the position of Editor of the IUVSTA News Bulletin, the Webmaster or persons responsible for any other special publications of the IUVSTA, as required.
  • The Committee has responsibility for publication arrangements for the News Bulletin and of such other publications as the Executive Council shall direct. It also provides recommendations on all publication procedures.
  • The Chair shall prepare a budget for the Publications Committee for the following triennium. This budget should be sent to the IUVSTA Treasurer well before the penultimate Executive Council Meeting of the triennium (normally, early in the spring of the Congress year). The budget should be discussed and adopted by the Finance Committee at this penultimate Executive Council Meeting.
  • The Chair shall liaise with the Congress Planning Committee regarding publication of any procedings of meetings and conferences.
  • The Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to other Standing Committees of IUVSTA for publication of any type of archival material they generate. It will also assist with publication of IUVSTA documents, such as an Information Booklet, Directory and Procedures Manual.
© IUVSTA 2012