Endorsement & Sponsorship

Endorsement of Conferences

IUVSTA endorses conferences on vacuum science, applied surface science, electronic materials and processing, nanometer structures, plasma science and technique, surface science, thin films, and vacuum metallurgy. The formalities of endorsement are handled by the Secretary-General, but divisional approval is required.

Regular IUVSTA or co-sponsored conferences:

Regulations for IUVSTA EndorsementThin Film Division. The 16th International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF-16) will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Last updated June 2014

Past and Future Sites

# Location Year Website
1 Boston, Massachusetts USA 1969  
2 Venice Italy 1972  
3 Budapest Hungary 1975  
4 Loughborough UK 1978  
5 Tel Aviv Israel 1981  
6 Stockholm Sweden 1984  
7 Delhi India 1987  
8 San Diego, California USA 1990  
9 Vienna Austria 1993  
10 Salamanca Spain 1996  
11 Cancun, Yucatan Mexico 1999  
12 Bratislava Slovakia 2002

13 Stockholm Sweden 2005 www.congrex.com/acsin8
14 Gent Belgium 2008  
15 Kyoto Japan 2011 http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/417/1/011001
16 Dubrovnik Croatia 2014 http://ictf16.com/
17 New Delhi India 2017 http://www.ictf2017.in/


European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS)
This conference is organized jointly by the Surface Science Division of IUVSTA and the Surface and Interface Section of the European Physical Society. The conference does not run in years when the triennial IUVSTA Vacuum Congress is held in Europe.
Last updated June 2014

Past and Future Sites

ECOSS-1 First European Conference on Surface Science / Fifth International Symposium on Surface Physics, The Solid-Vacuum Interface

Amsterdam, The Netherlands — 5-9 June 1978

Surface Science, Volume 80 (1979)

ECOSS-2 Second European Conference on Surface Science / Fourth Interdisciplinary Surface Science Conference, ISSC4

Cambridge, UK — 26-29 March 1979

Surface Science, Volume 89 (1979)

ECOSS-3 Fourth International Conference on Solid Surfaces, ICSS4 / Third European Conference on Surface Science

Cannes, France — 21-27 September 1980

Revue Le Vide, les Couches Minces, Suppl. no. 201 (ca. 1980)

ECOSS-4 Fourth European Conference on Surface Science

Münster, Fed. Rep. of Germany — 14-16 September 1981

Surface Science, Volume 117 (1982)

ECOSS-5 Fifth European Conference on Surface Science / Seventh Solid-Vacuum Interface NEVAC Symposium

Gent, Belgium — 24-27 August 1982

Surface Science, Volume 126 (1983)

ECOSS-6 Sixth European Conference on Surface Science

York, UK — 1-5 April 1984

Surface Science, Volumes 152/153 (1985)

ECOSS-7 Seventh European Conference on Surface Science

Aix-en-Provence, France — 1-4 April 1985

Surface Science, Volume 162 (1985)

ECOSS-8 Eighth European Conference on Surface Science

Jülich, Fed. Rep. of Germany — 14-17 April 1986

Surface Science, Volume 178 (1986)

ECOSS-9 Ninth European Conference on Surface Science

Luzern, Switzerland — 13-16 April 1987

Surface Science, Volumes 189/190 (1987)

ECOSS-10 Tenth European Conference on Surface Science

Bologna, Italy — 5-8 September 1988

Surface Science, Volumes 211/212 (1989)

ECOSS-11 Eleventh European Conference on Surface Science

Salamanca, Spain — 1-4 October 1990

Surface Science, Volumes 251/252 (1991)

ECOSS-12 Twelfth European Conference on Surface Science

Stockholm, Sweden — 9-12 September 1991

Surface Science, Volumes 269/270 (1992)

ECOSS-13 Thirteenth European Conference on Surface Science

Warwick, UK — 30 August – 4 September 1993

Surface Science, Volumes 307/309 (1994)

ECOSS-14 Fourteenth European Conference on Surface Science

Leipzig, Germany — 19-23 September 1994

Surface Science, Volumes 331/333 (1995)

ECOSS-15 Fifteenth European Conference on Surface Science

Lille, France — 4-8 September 1995

Surface Science, Volumes 352/354 (1996)

ECOSS-16 Sixteenth European Conference on Surface Science

Genova, Italy — 9-13 September 1996

Surface Science, Volumes 377/379 (1997)

ECOSS-17 Seventeenth European Conference on Surface Science

Enschede, the Netherlands — 16-19 September 1997

Surface Science, Volumes 402/404 (1998)

ECOSS-18 Eighteenth European Conference on Surface Science

Vienna, Austria — 21-24 September 1999

Surface Science, Volumes 454/456 (2000)

ECOSS-19 Nineteenth European Conference on Surface Science

Madrid, Spain — 5-8 September 2000

Surface Science, Volumes 482/485 (2001)

ECOSS-20 Twentieth European Conference on Surface Science

Krakow, Poland — 4-7 September 2001

ECOSS-21 Twenty First European Conference on Surface Science/ Nano-7

Malmo, Sweden — 24-28 June 2002

ECOSS-22 Twenty Second European Conference on Surface Science

Prague, Czech Republic – 7-12 September 2003

ECOSS-23 Twenty Third European Conference on Surface Science

Berlin, Germany – 4-9 September 2005

ECOSS-24 Twenty Fourth European Conference on Surface Science

Paris, France – 4-8 September 2006


Twenty Fifth European Conference on Surface Science

Liverpool, United Kingdom – 27 July – 1 August 2008


Twenty Sixth European Conference on Surface Science

Parma, Italy – 30 August – 6 September 2009


Twenty Seventh European Conference on Surface Science>
Chair: Petra Rudolf

Groeningen, Netherlands – 29 August – 3 September 2010


Twenty Eighth European Conference on Surface Science>
Chair: Antoni Ciszewski

Wrowclaw, Poland – 28 August – 2 September 2011


Twenty Ninth European Conference on Surface Science>
Chair: Martin Mc Coustra

Edinburgh, Scotland – 3 – 7 September 2012


Thirtieth European Conference on Surface Science

Antalya, Turkey – 31 August – 5 September 2014


Thirty First European Conference on Surface Science

Barcelona, Spain – 31 August – 4 September 2015

Info Flyer


Thirty Second European Conference on Surface Science

Grenoble, France – 28 August – 2 September 2016


Thirty Third European Conference on Surface Science

Szeged, Hungary – 27 August – 1 September 2017


European Vacuum Conference (EVC)
The European Vacuum Conference is organized biennially (triennially if IVC would be in Europe the same year) by one of the European vacuum societies and IUVSTA.

Past and future conferences

EVC-1 11-15 April 1988 Salford (GB)
EVC-2 21-26 May 1990 Trieste (I)
EVC-3 23-27 September 1991 Vienna (A)
EVC-4 13-17 June 1994 Uppsala (S)
EVC-5 23-27 September 1996 Salamanca (E)
EVC-6 7-10 December 1999 Lyon (F)
EVC-7 17-21 September 2001 Madrid (E)
EVC-8 23-26 June 2003 Berlin (D)
EVC-9 4-7 April 2005 Paris (F)
EVC-10 22-26 September 2008 Hungary (H)
EVC-11 20-24 September 2010 Salamanca(E)
EVC-12 04-08 June 2012 Dubrovnik (HR)
EVC-13 08-12 September 2014 Aveiro (PT)
EVC-14 06-10 June 2016 Portoroz (SI)
EVC-15 17-22 June 2018 Geneva (CH)

Regulations for IUVSTA Endorsement of Conferences

Last updated 19 January 2002

A. Introduction

The International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA) may endorse congresses, conferences, symposia, summer schools, scientific workshops, etc. (hereafter called "event") for which the subject content of the event is, or is capable of becoming, of wide interest, i.e. not only of interest to the host country.  New or emerging subjects may initially be limited to a specific country but, by their nature, be of international interest.

Attendance at the event is to be truly multinational, with expectations that a substantial fraction of the attendees will be from outside the host country.

B. General Requirements for Endorsement

a) The subject of the event must fall within the broad areas of vacuum science and applications covered by the IUVSTA.

b) The event must have an international scientific or technical papers committee, or, demonstrate broad international representation among invited speakers.

c) Apart from, or including, the national language(s) that is (are) allowed, at least one of the three official languages of the IUVSTA (English, French or German), is to be used in abstracts and communications.

d) It must be understood that the IUVSTA accepts no financial responsibility if endorsement is granted and the organisers must indicate who will underwrite any financial loss.

C. Application Procedure

The organising body should request and complete the Endorsement Application form.  This should be returned to the Secretary General of the IUVSTA.

The organisers must AGREE to

a) include the IUVSTA name and logo on all event announcements.

b) add the phrase "Endorsed by the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications" to subsequent literature describing the event.

c) provide a Website url for the meeting and the name/ e-mail address of the person who will maintain the site.

d) distribute IUVSTA material provided to the organisers.

After the event the organisers are REQUESTED to send a report on it to the Secretary General for publication on the IUVSTA Web Page.  They are also asked to try to persuade publishers of Proceedings to donate free copies to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste for distribution to scientists in developing countries.

D. Processing Procedure

If the Secretary General is satisfied that the application fulfils the IUVSTA requirements, he will forward the papers to the Scientific Secretary who will complete the following endorsement procedure and notify the applicant and the Secretary General of the outcome.

a) The Scientific Secretary will contact the Chairperson of the most appropriate IUVSTA Scientific Division and ask for Division approval of endorsement.

b) This Chairperson will respond promptly and give the approval, or otherwise, on behalf of the Division,  normally after seeking the opinions of members of the Divisional Committee.

c) The Scientific Secretary will notify the Scientific Director and all other Division Chairs of the intention to grant Endorsement of the event.

d) If there are no objections, the Scientific Secretary will write to the event organisers and offer IUVSTA Endorsement.  Copies of this letter will be sent to the Scientific Director and the Secretary General.

e) The Director of STD will report to the next Executive Council Meeting on Endorsement requests and the decisions made.

E. Endorsed Events

If endorsement is granted the IUVSTA will, with the help of the appropriate Division,

a) Supply the organising body with a list of addresses of Divisional Officers of the Division concerned.

b) Advise the organising committee,  if requested, on possible members for the scientific or technical papers committee.

c) Attempt to send a delegate to the opening session of the event if so requested.

d) Announce the event in the IUVSTA Bulletin on the Web Page and, subsequently, publish a report on the conference on this page.

Events organised by the IUVSTA Divisions such as ECOSS, EVC, and ICTF will receive the IUVSTA endorsement automatically on request.