Executive Council Meetings

The Executive Council is composed of the President, two Vice-Presidents (President-Elect and Past President), Secretary General, Treasurer, Scientific Director, and Scientific Secretary, together with the National Councillors (or their Alternates). In addition, committee members, division members, and other who have a constructive interest in the activities of the Union may attend as Observers. A General Meeting is held every three years in connection with the International Vacuum Congress. In attendance are Officers of the Union and three delegates from each member society. Annual General Meetings begin in 2012 and are held in the first half of each year.

Past and future IUVSTA Executive Council Meetings and General Meetings (GM)

1 Welch 8 December 1962 Brussels, Belgium
2 . 7 June 1963 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
3 . 29 June 1964 Saclay, France
3(cont.) . 30 June – 2 July 1964 Paris, France
4 . 3-4 December 1964 Brussels, Belgium
5 . 29 June 1965 Stuttgart, Germany
6 Debiesse 1 July 1965 Stuttgart, Germany
7 . 4 November 1965 Saclay, France
8 . 28 September 1966 Zagreb, Yugoslavia
9 . 16 March 1967 Rome, Italy
10 . 15 November 1967 Strasbourg, France
11 . 16 April 1968 Manchester, UK
12 Diels 16 April 1968 Manchester, UK
13 . 19 October 1968 Dijon, France
*(No quorum) . 31 March 1969 Cologne, Germany
14 . 21 September 1969 Berlin, Germany
15 . 5-6 March 1970 London, UK
16 . 8 October 1970 Cannes, France
17 . 13 May 1971 Portoroz, Yugoslavia
18 . 10 October 1971 Boston, Mass., USA
19 Preuss 14 October 1971 Boston, Mass., USA
20 . 18 May 1972 Venice, Italy
*(No quorum) . 16 October 1972 Scheveningen, The Netherlands
21 . 26 January 1973 London, UK
22 . 29 September 1973 Madrid, Spain
23 . 30 January 1974 London, UK
24 . 25 March 1974 Kyoto, Japan
25 Venema 29 March 1974 Kyoto, Japan
26 . 2-3 October 1974 Sofia, Bulgaria
27 . 21-22 March 1975 Münster, Germany
28 . 28-29 October 1975 Philadelphia, USA
29 . 9 April 1976 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
30 . 4 September 1976 Uppsala, Sweden
31 . 1 April 1977 London, UK
32 . 13 September 1977 Vienna, Austria
33 Holland 16 September 1977 Vienna, Austria
34 . 30 March 1978 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
35 . 15 September 1978 Loughborough, UK
36 . 20-22 March 1979 Budapest, Hungary
37 . 9-11 September 1979 Nice, France
38 . 13 April 1980 Bath, UK
39 . 24 September 1980 Cannes, France
40 Lafferty 26 September 1980 Cannes, France
41 . 27-28 February 1981 Dresden, Germany
42 . 13-14 September 1981
43 . 7-8 April 1982 Florence, Italy
44 . 16 August 1982 Tampere, Finland
45 . 21-22 May 1983 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
46 . 28 September 1983 Madrid, Spain
47 Antal 30 September 1983 Madrid, Spain
48 . 11 February 1984 Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA
49 . 12 August 1984 Täby, Sweden
50 . 22-23 April 1985 Princton, New Jersey, USA
51 . 5-6 October 1985 Debrecen, Hungary
52 . 31 May – 1 June 1986 Spitz, Austria
53 . 26 October 1986 Baltimore, Maryland, USA
54 Jahrreiss 31 October 1986 Baltimore, Maryland, USA
55 . 14-16 March 1987 Strasbourg, France
56 . 4-6 December 1987 New Delhi, India
57 . 16-18 April 1988 Hale, Cheshire UK
58 . 23-25 September 1988 Portoroz, Yugoslavia
59 . 14-16 April 1989 San Diego, California, USA
60 . 23-24 September 1989 Cologne, Germany
61 de Segovia 29 September 1989 Cologne, Germany
62 . 17-18 March 1990 Dresden, Germany
63 . 29-30 September 1990 Avila, Spain
64 . 9-10 February 1991 Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA
65 . 29-30 Sept 1991 Vienna, Austria
66 . 8-10 May 1992 Antibes, France
67 . 10-11 October 1992 The Hague, The Netherlands
68 Madey 16 October 1992 The Hague, The Netherlands
69 . 26-28 March 1993 Bolzano, Italy
70 . 19-21 November 1993 Orlando, Florida, USA
71 . 17-19 June 1994 Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
72 . 23-25 September 1994 Krakow, Poland
73 . 7-9 April 1995 Brdo, Slovenia
74 . 24 September 1995 Yokohama, Japan
75 Robins 29 September 1995 Yokohama, Japan
76 . 26-28 April 1996 San Diego, California, USA
77 . 20-22 September 1996 Segovia, Spain
78 . 23-25 May 1997 Debrecen, Hungary
79 . 21-23 November 1997 Port Stephens, Australia
80 . 21-23 March 1998 Bratislava, Slovakia
81 . 28-30 August 1998 Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
GM13 2 September 1998    Birmingham,
82 Woodruff 4 September 1998 Birmingham, UK
83 . 19-21 February 1999 Saillon, Switzerland
84 . 3-5 September 1999 Cancun, Mexico
85 . 31 March -2 April 2000  Namur, Belgium
86 . 7-9 October
Portoroz, Slovenia
87 . 16-18 March
Brighton, England
88 . 27-28 October 2001   
San Francisco, California, USA
GM14 1 October 2001   
San Francisco, California, USA
89 Barthés-Labrousse 2 November 2001 San Francisco, California, USA
90 . 8-10 March 2002 Regensburg, Germany
91 . 13-15 September 2002 Smolenice, Slovakia
92 . 20-23 March 2003 Beijing, China


19-21 September 2003 Dubrovnik, Croatia
94   13-15 February 2004 Chateau de Pizay (Lyon), France
95   25-27 June 2004 Trento, Italy
GM15   30 June 2004 Venice, Italy
96 Valbusa 2 July 2004 Venice, Italy
97   18-20 February 2005 Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
98   30 September – 2 October 2005 Gumpoldskirchen, near Vienna, Austria
99   28-30 April 2006 San Diego, California, USA
100   20-22 September 2006 Seoul, Korea
101   16-18 February 2007 Basel, Switzerland
102   29 June – 1 July 2007 Uppsala, Sweden
GM16 4 July 2007 Stockholm, Sweden
103 Rogers 6 July 2007 Stockholm, Sweden
104   15-17 February 2008 Caparica, Portugal
105   26-28 September 2008 Budapest, Hungary
106   17-19 April 2009 Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA
107   2-4 October 2009 Prague, Czech Republic
108   12-14 February 2010 Peebles, Scotland, UK
109   20-22 August 2010 Beijing, China
GM17   25 August 2010 Beijing, China
110 Pireaux 27 August 2010 Beijing, China
111   11-13 March 2011 Namur, Belgium
112   9-11 Sepember 2011 Piran, Slovenia
113   2-4 March 2012 Florida, USA
AGM 01   4 March 2012 Florida, USA
114   28-30 September 2012 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
115   5-7 April 2013 Krakow, Poland
116   6-8 September 2013 Versailles, France
GM18   11 September 2013 Paris, France
117  Anderle 13 September 2013 Paris, France
118   28-30 March 2014 Trento, Italy
AGM 02   30 March 2014 Trento, Italy
119   10-12 October 2014 Dubrovnik, Croatia
120   17-19 April 2015 Graz, Austria
AGM 03   19 April 2015 Graz, Austria
121   23-25 October 2015 Morgan Hill, CA, USA
122   15-17 April 2016 Braga, Portugal
123   19-21 August 2016 Gyeongju, Korea
GM19   24 August 2016 Busan, Korea
124  Montelius 25 August 2016 Busan, Korea
125   10-12 March 2017 Rogla, Slovenia
AGM 04   12 March 2017 Rogla, Slovenia
126   29 September – 1 October 2017 Sofia, Bulgaria
127   09-11 February 2018 Cebu Island, The Philippines
AGM 05   11 February 2018 Cebu Island, The Philippines
128   10-12 August 2018 Sydney, Australia
129   29-31 March 2019 Regensburg, Germany
130   28-30 July 2019 Malmoe, Sweden
GM20   3 July 2019 Malmoe, Sweden
131  Galtayries 3 July 2019 Malmoe, Sweden
132   20-22 March 2020 Annecy, France
AGM 06   22 March 2020 Annecy, France
133   9-11 October 2020 Suzhou, China