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Lucía Aballe |
ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility
Personal Website
Vacuum National Society Website
Keywords: Electronic structure, nanomagnetism, synchrotron, XPEEM, LEEM, Photoemission, XANES, XMCD, X-ray microscopy, instrumentation
PhD in Physics at the Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany) in 2001. Marie Curie postdoc at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste (Italy). Since 2006 group leader at the Experiments Division of the ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility (Spain). She led the construction and exploitation of the CIRCE soft x-ray beamline for photoemission spectroscopy and microscopy until 2020 and worked as senior scientist in the Mistral beamline for transmission x-ray microscopy and tomography between 2020 and 2022. Currently she is managing the InCAEM project, co-financed by European and regional funds in order to set up an infrastructure for in situ correlative analysis of advanced energy materials. She has performed experimental research in surface science investigating growth and electron confinement in ultrathin films as well as their surface reactivity: magnetic surfaces, films and nanostructures, spintronic materials, and the modification of magnetic properties by strain, nanostructuring or surface acoustic waves. She has also led instrument development of functional sample environments in different experimental stations, acted as a local contact for x-ray facility users from academia and industry, and served as scientific proposal reviewer for several facilities. She has published over 120 peer-reviewed articles and has an h-index of 29 (Scopus). She organized the LEEM PEEM 12 International Conference and is in the program committee of the VUVX and Intermag international conferences. Since 2019 she is in the Advanced fabrication, processing and characterization division of the scientific committee of the Spanish vacuum association ASEVA.