Maria C. Asensio

Maria C. Asensio

Maria C. Asensio
Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM) – CSIC
Personal Website

Keywords: Photoemission, Artificial Intelligence, Large Scale Installations-based techniques, Batteries, Solar cells.

Prof. Maria Asensio is a research professor at the Institute of Material Sciences of Madrid (CSIC). She completed her doctorate in Physical Chemistry at the National University of La Plata in Argentina. Prof. Asensio has been a professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and she has held academic positions at the University of Warwick in England and at the Institute Fritz Haber of Max-Planck in Berlin, Germany. She has also been a permanent scientist for more than twenty years at the LURE and SOLEIL
Synchrotrons in France. Prof. Asensio's research focusses on the electronic and chemical properties of complex, quantum, and low
dimension materials by using a wide range of conventional techniques and those based on Large European Facilities as sources of synchrotron radiation. Recently, she has developed with her group various Artificial Intelligence tools to discover and optimize materials for renewable energies. She has more than 271 international journals, two book chapters and 120 invited lectures in national and international congresses, with an i10 Index Factor of 172 and more than 12800 citations. For more details,
see the following Wikipedia pages: & Nano-ARPES wikipedia page: