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Osvaldo de Melo Pereira |
Physics Faculty, University of Havana
Personal Website
Vacuum National Society Website
Keywords: Nanostructures and thin films preparation; structure analysis, spectroscopies, surface analysis
Osvaldo de Melo Pereira. Born in La Habana, Cuba, 1957.
ORCID: 0000-0002-8502-5711; Web of Science Research ID: Z-4016-2019
E-mail: omelo@fisica.uh.cu, odemelo@gmail.com.
Scientific papers in journals: 95. Papers in proceedings: 28. Papers on popularization of science, diffusion or teaching: 48. Meetings: 153 (29 invited talks). Books edition: 5. Chapter in books as author: 3. Patents: 1. Thesis as advisor: i) licenciatura:
I have a PhD from the University of Havana in 1992: “Crecimiento de Soluciones ternarias monocristalinas de compuestos II-VI a base de telururos”. I was President of the Cuban Physical Society (2005-2011) and Dean of the Physics Faculty of the University of Havana (2001-2006). Research states in MASPEC Institute, Parma, Italia, University of Linz, Austria; Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV- IPN), México; Visiting Professor; Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España, Instituto Politécnico Nacional and Instituto de Investigación en Materiales (UNAM) in Mexico, Centre Énergie, Matériaux, Télécommunications, Canada. I have received annual awards from the Cuban Academy of Sciences and form the University of Havana as well as the Cuban National Award in Physics in 2016. I have lectured in bachelor schools, undergraduate and graduate programs in General Physics, Semiconductor Physics, Spectroscopies, and Materials preparation for almost 50 years.