Scientific and Technical Divisions
The Scientific and Technical Directorate (STD) coordinates the work of the divisions. Chairmen and members of divisions who are not Executive Council members participate at EC sessions as observers with the right to speak but not to vote. The interests of IUVSTA encompass not only vacuum per se, but those disciplines that use vacuum as an important tool. Steering Committees are formed from time to time to promote activity in new fields. Such steering committees can form the nucleus of a new division. The Applied Surface Science and Nanometer Structures Divisions followed this route. IUVSTA divisions coordinate and organize the technical program of the triennial International Vacuum Congresses (IVC) and Conferences sponsored by the Union. International Vacuum Congress sessions are divided on the basis of the divisional structure, and each division plays an important role in the selection of scientific papers, invited speakers, and moderators. Divisional co-sponsorship of technical sessions is encouraged.